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Summary of the Gunung Bawang Protected Forest | Our Blog | CAN Indonesia
Summary of the Gunung Bawang Protected Forest

Summary of the Gunung Bawang Protected Forest

Gunung Bawang Protected Forest (HLGB) is designated as a protected forest according to the Minister of Forestry Decree No. 733/Menhut-II/2014 dated 2/9/2014 on Forest and Aquatic Protected Areas in West Kalimantan Province, located at coordinates 109°18'00" to 109°29'00" east longitude and 0°50'30" to 0°59'40" north latitude.

North : Serem Selimbau Village
East : Lembah Bawang Village
South : Betung River and Bengkayang
West : Seren Selimbau Village

Gunung Bawang Protected Forest has a mountainous landscape that extends 18 km. It covers four district: Lembah Bawang, Lumar, Sungai Betung and Bengkayang with a total area of 11,990 hectares (ha).

Gunung Bawang Protected Forest is one of the protected forests in West Kalimantan Province that has a strong ecosystem system. Gunung Bawang Protected Forest is also an important habitat for endemic flora and fauna of the island of Kalimantan, which are endangered.

The flora species are Moon Orchid, Rat-tailed Orchid and Striated Orchid. Meanwhile, the fauna species that have been successfully researched are Deer, Orangutan Kalimantan, Sun Bear, Clouded Tiger, Ruai Bird, and Ivory Hornbill.

Within the Gunung Bawang protected forest, there are also several rivers that flow into Gunung Bawang, including the Raya River, which flows into Selakau, the Plagoi River, the Batu Timah River, and the Banan River.

Due to the biodiversity found in the Gunung Bawang Protected Forest, the Dayak people, who mostly live around the Gunung Bawang Protected Forest, sacralize the protected forest so that it is not destroyed.
Our Blog Summary of the Gunung Bawang Protected Forest
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